3 research outputs found

    The self-perceived effects of mindfulness and experiences of participants involved in the Program NARA ā€“ managing stress and depression through mindfulness: a qualitative study

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    Čuječnost in na čuječnosti temelječe intervencije so tema, za katero se v zadnjem času kaže vse več zanimanja. Kljub mnogim empiričnim dokazom o učinkovitosti na čuječnosti temelječe kognitivne terapije pa ostaja področje procesa sprememb pri udeležencih programa manj raziskano. V magistrskem delu se osredinjamo na izkuÅ”njo udeležencev z MBCT-programom in s samozaznanimi učinki ter spremembami, ki bi lahko bili povezani z udeležbo na Programu NARA. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja. Po načelih utemeljene teorije smo analizirali Å”tirinajst polstrukturiranih intervjujev z udeleženci MBCT-programa, ki so bili na večini srečanj. Povprečen čas trajanja intervjuja je bil 106 minut. Po vseh končanih fazah analize smo 302 različni kodi s pripadajočimi 2358 navedki in 14 superkod povezali v devet osrednjih konceptov ter dva podkoncepta. Z njihovo pomočjo smo oblikovali Model procesa sprememb v MBCT-programu. V modelu pojasnjujemo vlogo udeleženca kot individuuma v procesu sprememb, s specifičnimi pričakovanji, počutjem in ravnjo motivacije. Pomembna faktorja, ki mediirata spremembe, sta formalna in neformalna podpora, ki jo posamezniku nudijo voditelj ter člani skupine. Redno prakticiranje čuječnosti in izvajanje vaj sta ključnega pomena za kultiviranje odnosa čuječnosti, ozaveŔčanje ter prekinitev avtomatiziranih disfunkcionalnih rutin. Spremenjen odnos do sebe in svojega miselnega ter čustvenega doživljanja se kaže v izboljÅ”anem psihičnem blagostanju in sploÅ”ni kakovosti življenja. Pomembno vlogo za negovanje odnosa čuječnosti in nadaljnjo osebnostno rast ima tudi integracija udeleženčevih spoznanj in mnenj skupaj z refleksijo lastne izkuÅ”nje. Magistrsko delo omogoča razumevanje posameznikove celostne izkuÅ”nje z MBCT-programoms pomočjo modela pa razlagamo proces sprememb pri udeležencih.Mindfulness and mindfulness based interventions are a topic, which has been subject to increasing interest. Despite rich empirical evidence about the efficiency of mindfulness based cognitive therapy, there is still room for research in the area of change processes of the program participants go through. The master\u27s thesis focuses on the experience of the participants involved in the MBCT-program, as well as on the self-perceived effects or changes, which could be connected to the participation in the NARA-program. The thesis is based on a qualitative research method. Taking into account the principles of grounded theory, fourteen semi-structured interviews with participants, who have engaged in most of the meetings within the MBCT-program, have been analysed. The average interview lasted 106 minutes. After completion of all phases of analysis, the 302 different codes with corresponding 2358 quotes, and the 14 supercodes were merged into nine primary concepts and two secondary concepts. Based on these concepts, a Change process model for the MBCT program was created. The model explains the role of the participant as an individual with specific expectations, motivation and well-being in the change process. Two important factors, which also mediate change, are the formal and informal support, offered to the participants by the leader and other members of the group. Regular practising of mindfulness and the performance of exercises are of key importance to cultivate the attitude of mindfulness and awareness and discontinue the automatic dysfunctional routine behaviour. A changed attitude towards oneself and one\u27s thoughts and emotions further results in improved psychological well-being and quality of life. The integration of the participant\u27s discoveries and opinions, as well as reflection on one\u27s experience is also important for maintaining the attitude of mindfulness and further personal growth. The master\u27s thesis enables us to understand the comprehensive experience of the individuals involved in the MBCT-program, while the model helps us explain the change process the participants go through